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COVID-19 changed our world, and in its wake, it left a new and ever-evolving collection of conditions known as "Long-COVID." This Aivio was developed in partnership with subject matter expert Dr. William Stringer who leads related research efforts at the Respiratory Research Center - a biomedical research group within The Lundquist Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor/UCLA Medical Center. Designed to educate people on emerging and evolving data related to long covid, this Aivio allows learners to hear firsthand from researchers in the field and get answers to their questions in real-time.
Shoulder instability usually occurs when the lining of the shoulder joint (the capsule), ligaments or labrum become stretched, torn or detached, allowing the ball of the shoulder joint (humeral head) to move either completely or partially out of the socket. But what are the symptoms? What treatment options do people have? And is there anything you can do to avoid this painful condition? These questions are more are answered in this interactive Aivio.
Diabetes can be a complex disease with very unique treatment options for each individual. Sometimes this can lead to confusion when it comes to the medications prescribed to manage the condition. This Aivio helps patients learn more about a wide-range of diabetes medications in an easy-to-understand, interactive, format.
Medial collateral ligament or "MPL" sprains are common injuries that can cause knee pain, swelling, and instability. Learn about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for this condition in this interactive Aivio!
Serving as the foundation for future medical and pharmacological advancements, clinical trials are a critical component of healthcare. Brought to you by the Lundquist Institute - this Aivio explains the process of clinical trials, why they're necessary, who should participate, and how to find trials that could benefit from your participation.
In urology, a Foley catheter is a brand name for one of many brands of urinary catheters (UC). Foleys and their namesakes are indwelling urinary catheters designed to help carry urine out of the body. Often used in surgery and in the management of some chronic conditions, the idea of getting a urinary catheter may trigger feelings of anxiety. However, this Aivio provides a safe space for all people to get answers to even their most sensitive questions. Learn more about catheter basics and how to take care of a foley catheter.
Have you ever wondered what makes a good caregiver so special? Or how to avoid issues with caregivers and people who are supporting you or your loved one? This Aivio explores the relationship between patients and caregivers, and provides actionable advice for finding good caregiver support. Rich with resources, learners will get answers to their questions and better understand how and where to seek support.
Being diagnosed with a chronic illness can be a very difficult time for both the person experiencing the diagnosis and their loved ones. This Aivio explores how these events may impact mental health, how to recognize issues, and when and where to seek support.
The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, keeping the head of the upper arm bone firmly within the shallow socket of the shoulder. A rotator cuff injury can cause a dull ache in the shoulder that worsens at night. While rotator cuff injuries are common and increase with age, people often have many unanswered questions about their causes and treatment options. This Aivio provides answers in a secure environment. Learners benefit from the expertise of orthopedic specialist, Dr. Daniel Acevedo.
A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain. It can cause changes in behavior, movements, feelings and levels of consciousness. In this Aivio explore the causes, symptoms, and possible treatments for a variety of seizure disorders.
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Learn more about this common condition, ask questions, and get answers that could save your life.
Peyronie's Disease affects about 13% of the male population, yet only around 1% receive a diagnosis and treatment. This Aivio provides a secure and private environment for men to ask sensitive questions and learn more about PD. This condition, often caused by trauma and scar tissue, this condition results in an abnormal curvature of the penis.

Lateral Suture, sometimes called CCL or a cranial cruciate ligament procedure, is a corrective procedure for pets experiencing hyperextension of the knee. This Aivio educates pet owners on identifying kneecap issues, when to seek treatment, and what to expect if their dog requires an MPL procedure, including prep and recovery. Best of all, pet owners get real-time answers to their questions in a secure, interactive environment.
When providers order Electroencephalography (EEG) they may believe it's a fairly basic medical test, and that has become true as far as diagnostic studies are concerned. But when Jamie Smith is told by her doctor that she needs to have an EEG, she accepts the news and hopes it's covered by insurance. It's likely not until hours later, at home, away from her physician, that Ms. Smith will think of her questions. What is EEG? How long will it take? Be there 24/7 for your patients with the EEG Aivio.
You don't have to be in-person to explain the basics of healthcare insurance. This Aivio dives in to all of the details - what health insurance covers, plan types, ho to find the right plan. But best of all, learners can interrupt and ask the questions most important to them!
Expertly designed to help learners understand the important skill of Meal Planning. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Healthy Living Bundle", this Meal Planning 101 guide is a perfect addition to any corporate benefits package or employee / student life program. Learners are able to ask questions and get real-time answers to help them develop the skills for a healthier, happier, future.
Weight management is a vital part of every life on earth with more than half of chronic conditions directly related to being overweight. This expertly-authored Aivio will share tips and best practices on the skill of healthy weight management. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Health Living Bundle" - Weight management is a perfect addition to any healthy lifestyle.
Expertly authored by one of the brightest minds in nutrition from UCLA Health & Keck Hospital of USC, the "Nutrition Basics" Aivio is packed with information. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Healthy Living Bundle", this guide to the building blocks of life (food!) is a perfect addition to any corporate benefits package or employee / student life program. Learners are able to ask questions and get real-time answers to help them develop the skills for a healthier, happier, future.
Our "Get Moving" Aivio inspires patients to find fun ways to adopt healthy, consistent, forms of physical activity safely. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Healthy Living Bundle", this guide to improving physical activity is a perfect addition to any corporate benefits package or employee / student life program. Learners are able to ask questions and get real-time answers to help them develop the skills for a healthier, happier, future.
Expertly designed to help learners get the maximum benefit of good, healthy, sleeping habits and to educate on the power of mindfulness. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Healthy Living Bundle", this guide to sleep and mindfulness is a perfect addition to any corporate benefits package or employee / student life program. Learners are able to ask questions and get real-time answers to help them develop the skills for a healthier, happier, future.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States. HPV vaccines can prevent some of the health effects HPV causes. This Aivio provides patients a safe and secure environment to learn more, ask questions, and get medically-validated answers - privately.

Wound Vac, or vacuum-assisted wound closure, may be necessary for a variety of reasons. What isn't necessary is fear, confusion, or poor wound care. That's why this Aivio was designed to answer all patient/caregiver questions related to wound vacs or incisional care. Empower patients to take better care of themselves and decrease the likelihood of new infections.
The work of HR doesn't end when an ideal candidate is hired. Onboarding can be a crucial part of the process but also incredibly time consuming for everyone. This Aivio provides employees with 24/7 access to their benefits enrollment guide but in an engaging, secure, format. Say no to 8 hour orientations to explain every plan nuance, exception, or allowance - and say hello to your digital HR specialist.
Shoulder arthritis can be a real pain in the neck, and shoulder. Provide patients with an Aivio to answer all their questions including what causes shoulder arthritis, what their treatment options may be, and how to navigate the impacts to their lifestyle when dealing with this painful condition.
This Aivio acts as a digital concierge for anyone considering breast reduction. Learners will gain new insight into why the procedure may be needed, when it will be covered or not by insurance, what to expect in terms of results, and how to manage the pre and post operative periods more easily. Prospective patients get real-time answers in a private, welcoming, environment.
After receiving a cancer diagnosis, patients and their families must decide on the correct treatment option, which should be made quickly in most cases. Patients often feel that they are making life or death decisions about their treatment without having the proper knowledge or resources about which treatment might be right for them. Although oncologists are experts in the field, patients have the right to make their own treatment decisions in collaboration with their doctors. This Aivio provides a resource for patients to obtain a basic understanding of the pros and cons of each treatment, especially what to expect and how to prepare.
Patients concerned about thyroid health turn to this Aivio to better understand the gland, symptoms of a thyroid condition, and treatment options. When used after laboratory testing this Aivio can improve understanding of lab results and the necessary follow-up that may be indicated. Real time engagement with live questions and answers allow patients to take the learning journey they want to take, ask the questions that are important to them, and learn from home.
This Aivio is designed to support anyone being tested for diabetes. Learners get real-time answers to their questions and a better overall understanding of what their lab results might mean for them.
In the last 10 years the options for female birth control have increased exponentially. But even with so many options women are left with more questions than answers and the internet does a poor job helping gynecologists explain. This Aivio was designed by a leading OBGYN with the clear mission of empowering women to understand all of their options and identify what best fits their needs and lifestyle. Women can ask questions in a welcoming, secure, environment and get real-time answers from a trusted medical authority.
Patients who have recently been diagnosed with heart failure will have a lot of questions, and those who have been dealing with the condition for awhile need just as much support. Unfortunately the heart failure clinic can only do so much on it's own and 1:1 daily follow-up calls aren't scalable with the growing population of patients being diagnosed every year. This Aivio takes the model of the heart failure clinic digital, allowing patients to ask their questions and get instant answers from their care team, learn more about diet, medications, the importance of fluid intake monitoring - and more.
Gallstones account for a large number of visits to the Emergency Room every year. Help patients identify the signs and symptoms of gallstones earlier, and provide real-time information on how gallbladder flare ups can be avoided. For patients needing surgery this Aivio helps to answer all the pre and post procedure concerns and sets expectations so that patients can get back to their normal lives, pain free, as soon as possible.
The word "monkeypox" can strike fear in any post-pandemic society, and as it begins to spread throughout communities those fears can be compounded by misinformation. Provide patients a safe, secure, and private environment where they can learn more about monkeypox, it's symptoms, how it's spread and how it can be avoided, as well as the treatment options. Avoid misinformation and provide patients science-based answers in real time.
Low back pain can come on suddenly or gradually over time and it can be quite debilitating when it happens. Learners can find out all they need to know about low back pain including the symptoms and corresponding treatment options from one of the foremost experts in orthopedic spine conditions. Patients using this Aivio are more informed and able to make treatment decisions in confidence.
There are a lot of sensitive topics that patients don't like to discuss in person, or with a physician they don't know well. Erectile dysfunction is one of those topics. Through this Aivio men can learn more about the condition and it's causes and treatment options. They can also ask all of their questions in a private, secure, environment and get medically-validated answers in real-time, no appointment necessary.
Ever wondered what causes that ringing in the ears? Is your ear drum damaged? Could it be a sign of something more serious? Here's the Aivio to tell you everything you need to know! Ask questions, get answers, and find out why tinnitus could be caused and how to manage it.
Preventing DVTs is a top mission for hospitals and surgery centers, yet it's rarely discussed directly with patients. You may provide either medical or mechanical prophylaxis but how well is it understood? Most patients don't understand the warning signs of DVT or when to call their provider. This Aivio explains deep venous thrombosis, why they develop, and the various methods used to prevent it.
Parents everywhere know the panic caused by a late night tummy bug, and the fear and uncertainty that tags along with it. Sometimes called the stomach flu, viral GI symptoms in children can be quite worrisome. Caregivers can finally get their questions answered in real-time, better understand the symptoms, and know what to do to help treat it at home. They also learn how to help kids recover from stomach bugs and how to identify when things may be more serious.
Empower patients to ask all their bill-related questions and get them one step closer to paying off their balance with our Bill Explainer Aivio. Walk through the components of your patient's EOB, allow them to ask questions, and present your payment options - all in one, fully-automated, Aivio.
Recruit top talent with Aivios. Designed to attract, pre-screen, and engage prospective employees - our digital HR Recruiter is a powerful addition to your efforts. Thanks to the Author-Controlled AI, prospects can ask their questions and get your answers in real-time, without the need for 20 emails and 3 phone calls. Identify the right candidates for follow-up and have more meaningful discovery calls.
Anyone who has suffered a meniscus tear knows there are a lot of questions to be answered. How did this happen? What are my treatment options? How can I prevent tearing my other knee. And the truth is those answers and thousands more are buried across thousands of websites. Until now. Learners can use this Aivio to find out more about meniscus tears and there surgical and non-surgical treatment options as well as ask any other questions they may need.
Have you or a loved one recently been told you'll need to begin dialysis? If so it may be a very scary time right now and you probably have a lot of questions. This tool box has everything you need to know about dialysis including what it is, how it works, what your options may be and how to prepare for dialysis. Plus - learners get to ask their own questions along the way.
Constipation or abdominal pain affects 10 to 30% of children and accounts for more than 5% of all visits to the pediatrician, yet parents are often not sure how to manage or prevent these uncomfortable situations for their children. This Aivio educates care givers on what causes constipation and abdominal pain, how to treat it at home, and when to escalate your concerns to your provider.
Following a discharge from the hospital it can be confusing for care givers to know what to do or what to expect. This Aivio explains the types of discharge dispositions that can occur including things like being released home or to hospice, versus being transferred to another type of care facility, what to expect from insurance carriers, and how to help your loved ones navigate the experience.
Patients preparing for a left heart catheterization can have all their pre and post procedure questions answered, learn why certain pre-procedure standards (like being NPO) are so important, and get all the information they need to show up ready for their procedure.

Inguinal hernias are often both painful and confusing. When patients learn that their intestine is protruding through their abdominal cavity they're understandably concerned and often riddled with questions. Dr. Joshi created this Aivio to address those concerns and explain how and why hernias occur as well as what can be done about them. Learners walk away with the reassurance and confidence necessary to take the next steps in their medical journey.
IBS is a common condition impacting millions of people, characterized cramping, bloating, and a host of other gastrointestinal complaints. This Aivio provides n-depth education, including identifying and avoiding triggers, nutritional advice, and possible treatment options.

The patient bill of rights and responsibilities is a guide to ensure every patient gets good quality health care. It contains rules for patients and providers that should be followed when receiving hospital care. Now known as "Patient Care Partnership.", this bill of rights is only successful when it's well understood. This Aivio provides direct-to-patient education to inform patients of their rights and responsibilities and provides a secure forum for them to ask questions and escalate concerns.

Learners are guided on an interactive journey to understand the causes, prognosis, and treatment options for chronic venous insufficiency, including non-surgical, surgical, and minimally invasive treatment options, as well as tips for a successful recovery.

As part of nearly every annual checkup, the CBC is an important lab test for all patients. Yet, patients struggle to understand their results. This Aivio guides learners on an interactive journey through the bloodstream, breaking down blood at the cellular level and explaining the components of the CBC and what results say about our health. Questions about the meaning of results and how to improve them are answered in real-time via our medically validated physician-controlled AI.
CMP is one of the most commonly ordered laboratory tests worldwide, yet understanding the components and their individual results can be confusing for even the most well-versed patient. This Aivio helps learners gain a deeper understanding of their results and what conditions or lifestyle choices may be influencing them. Real-time answers are provided to common questions reducing the need for follow-up phone calls.

Patients impacted by obstructive sleep apnea or OSA find answers to their questions in this interactive Aivio. By identifying OSA and understanding its causes, risks, diagnosis, symptoms, and treatment options, learners will come away with a better understanding of the condition and when to seek care.

Medial patellar luxation (MPL) is a corrective procedure for pets experiencing a "popping out" or "slipping" kneecap. This Aivio educates pet owners on identifying kneecap issues, when to seek treatment, and what to expect if their dog requires an MPL procedure, including prep and recovery. Best of all, pet owners get real-time answers to their questions in a secure, interactive environment.

Tibial plateau leveling osteotomy or TPLO is commonly performed to treat dogs suffering from cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture. Despite how common the procedure may be, owners are often unsure whether it is the best option for their pets and don't know what to expect from the experience. This Aivio, designed by a leading veterinary surgeon, takes pet owners on a walk through the topic - stopping along the way to explore what TPLO is, how to prepare for the procedure, and what to expect from recovery.

Clouded by scandal and mystery - the topic of childhood immunizations and whether or not to vaccinate has long been a subject of debate. However, this Aivio focuses on evidence-based recommendations from the American Board of Pediatrics and is designed to answer parents' questions in a secure, interactive environment.

Parents know that when kids are sick - everyone is impacted. Now parents have a trusted resource in the fight against pediatric upper respiratory infections. Created to educate parents on prevention and treatment, this Aivio provides real answers in real-time directly from pediatric specialists.

For some, azoospermia is the result of a successful vasectomy - but for others, it's an unintended medical condition affecting male fertility. This Aivio provides an in-depth analysis of the condition, including causes, risks, and possible treatment options in a secure, interactive environment. Medically validated, instant answers are delivered via our proprietary physician-controlled AI, encouraging engagement and deeper learning.

When considering a procedure like a vasectomy, men deserve a confidential and secure place to ask their most sensitive questions. This Aivio is designed by men's reproductive health specialists to answer all learners' questions and guide them through what to expect before, during, and after the procedure in a secure, interactive environment.

This Aivio helps learners better understand why a colposcopy might be ordered and what to expect before, during, and after the procedure. This includes why biopsies may be needed and what the results of those biopsies can reveal. The secure Aivio environment creates a safe place for learners to get real-time, medically validated answers to even their most sensitive questions and reduces anxiety related to the procedure.

Although more common among athletes, ACL tears plague both the active and the inactive alike. An ACL injury is a tear or sprain of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) — one of the strong bands of tissue that help connect the thighbone to the shinbone. Learners are guided on an interactive journey to discover why this injury happens and how to prevent and treat it. From injury to recovery, this in-depth review leaves no question unanswered.

Anyone who has ever experienced a herniated disc knows all too well that relief cannot come quickly enough. This Aivio educates learners on all aspects of spinal disc care, including why lumbar discs may become herniated, symptom relief, and treatment options. Surgical options are reviewed in detail, including what to expect before, during, and after a microdiscectomy.

An esophagogastroduodenoscopy, EGD for short, is a simple procedure to examine your upper GI tract - yet, for patients ordered to undergo the procedure, a lot is left to the imagination. This Aivio aims to change that by providing learners with in-depth education, including why it might be ordered, how to prepare, what to expect during the procedure, and advice for quick recovery.

Our C-Section Aivio helps learners understand what to expect when facing a cesarean delivery - whether elective or emergent. Designed to alleviate the fears and unknowns surrounding the procedure, this topic dives deep into the procedure, how to prepare, and what to expect from recovery.

Mammograms are an essential part of women's health and a vital early-detection tool in the fight against breast cancer, yet millions of women fail to schedule their routine studies every year. This Aivio guides the learner through what to expect from mammography, including how to prepare for the procedure and the importance of early screening. A detailed review of common results and their meaning helps to alleviate anxiety further and increase the likelihood of screening compliance. (Available in Spanish)

If ever there was a need for an Aivio this is it. PPD impacts millions of women worldwide, yet the stigma leads more and more women to suffer in silence. This Aivio helps break down the barrier to care, educating learners on PPD, the risks and statistics surrounding the condition, and how and when to seek treatment. The secure Aivio environment empowers women to take control of their health and provides a safe place to ask even the most sensitive questions and get medically validated answers in real-time.

The female body is amazing, capable of both developing life and then sustaining it through lactation. But how does lactation work, and what should every breastfeeding mother know about it? This Aivio dives deep into the topic as a digital lactation consultant guides learners on through an in-depth interactive experience. Learners can expect to walk away with an understanding of lactation and gain techniques to improve the breastfeeding experience. Complete with pros and cons, latching tips, and real-world advice, this Aivio helps with all aspects of nursing care.

Colonoscopy is a critical yet underutilized GI procedure that is essential for the early detection of cancers and other GI conditions. Dr. Seper Dezfoli created this Aivio to educate people on why this early screening should be done and what to expect if your doctor has ordered one for you. From prep to recovery, Dr. Dezfoli shines a light on this procedure, dispelling common misconceptions and providing learners an opportunity to get answers to even their most sensitive questions from the privacy of home. (Available in Spanish)

Lab results are often confusing and difficult to interpret. Dr. Mark Farber brings common sense advice and laboratory expertise together to teach learners what cholesterol is, how to understand your results, and what should be done when results are abnormal. The interactive Aivio allows learners to dive deep into the topic and ask real-time questions without having to wait for follow-up appointments.

TMD or TMJ is a painful disorder involving the jaw joint that causes interruption to many aspects of daily life. For sufferers, the condition can cause a cascade of issues like headaches, difficulty eating or sleeping, and pain. This Aivio takes learners on an interactive journey to better understand the causes of this condition and how it can be treated.

Parents of children born with cleft lip and cleft palate receive education, reassurance, treatment timelines, and more directly from one of the nation's leading craniofacial surgeons, Dr. Eric Wolfswinkle. A step-by-step guide on what to expect from prenatal diagnosis to final surgery and beyond, this Aivio helps to alleviate concerns and uncertainty in an interactive and engaging format.

CMC joint osteoarthritis is a chronic, painful condition that involves the breakdown of the cartilage in the thumb. This Aivio guides learners through an expert review of the condition, prognosis, and available treatment options. Included are real examples of tools and techniques patients can use to continue their daily activities and avoid the debilitating impacts of the condition.

Hand osteoarthritis is inflammation that causes pain and stiffness in the joints of millions of people. Viewers of this Aivio will learn how and why it develops, what parts of the hand are commonly affected, and what techniques and treatments can be used to improve hand function and restore quality of life.

Patients and students use this Aivio to combat misconceptions related to trigger fingers, better understand the condition and treatment options, and ultimately improve hand function and quality of life. Designed by a leading orthopedic hand surgeon, the content gives real-world advice on living with and treating a condition that can otherwise limit one's quality of life.

Dupuytren's disease or dupuytren’s contracture is a progressive hand condition limiting how much you can move or straighten your fingers that can worsen over time. This Aivio provides in-depth expert education on the condition, causes, and prognosis, as well as a thorough review of the possible treatment options, risks, and outcomes. Patients are empowered to have more knowledgeable conversations with their hand specialists and seek care early.
Patients and students learn what can cause injury to the distal radius, resulting in fracture and how it is treated. Included is an in-depth review of the surgical management options and what to expect from recovery onward. Learners will gain better insight into the management of orthopedic injuries and regaining mobility afterward.

Patients and students learn the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for people suffering from CTS, including the various treatment options. Included is an in-depth review of the common non-surgical and surgical management options and what to expect from recovery onward. Learners will gain better insight into the condition and when to pursue specific interventions for improved quality of life.