
We've collected the latest news about HIA, thought leadership articles, and relevant industry updates just for you - no sign up or subscription required.


The Effects of AI on Health Literacy

HIA Healthcare and AI Product Research intern, Ria Mukherjee, explores the relationship between artificial intelligence and health literacy across populations.


Our Response to The ACP AI Position Paper

The American College of Physicians recently produced a Policy Position paper on artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare, complete with recommendations and positions. Continue reading to discover our response as well as practical ideas for applying the recommendations.


Qvio™️ Where The Student-Teacher Ratio is Always 1:1

Educators everywhere hear the siren-song of new AI-enabled technologies, but which ones can be exploited to achieve instructional goals and which ones are a distraction for modern learning?

Press Release

Announcing: Exclusive WebMD Partnership

WebMD Ignite selects HIA Technologies, Inc. as its exclusive partner to deliver "Health Interactive" to it's customers. Health Interactive Aivios rely on Physician-Controlled AI to deliver interactive WebMD content.


What is the AI Trust Gap?

HIA's own AI advocate and thought leader, Hannah - examines the barriers to AI adoption and how Physician-controlled AI may help skeptics overcome the trust gap.


Moral Injury - Causes and Solutions

HIA Technologies CMO Alidad Ghiassi shares his experiences with Moral Injury and the role of AI in helping healthcare workers.

Press Release

Introducing HIA TOPICS™ For Patient Education

HIA Health announces the launch of HIA TOPICS™, aimed at changing how healthcare provides patient education. Check out the press release for details.


Conversational AI Meets Video- How Aivio is Changing Patient Engagement Forever

This whitepaper takes an in-depth look at how HIA's Aivio technology transforms content delivery.


Can Physician-controlled AI Provide Relief To Burned Out Clinicians?

In this blog Jolean Sheffield takes an in-depth look at clinician burnout rates and the role of physician-controlled AI.


Answering The Call For More Effective Patient Education

Dr. Alidad Ghiassi challenges traditional healthcare to transform the ways it engages and educates patients.


Unlocking Lab Result Reporting with Physician Controlled-AI

"The Aivio, with its physician-controlled AI, give me hope for the future of lab result reporting" - Dr. Mark Farber, author


ChatGPT: Answers Are "Highly Convincing"​ Regardless of Accuracy

ChatGPT tells us why #physiciancontrolledAI is better for healthcare in an article that practically wrote itself.

Helping Prevent 120,000+ Deaths Annually

We are proud to partner with the Hispanic Health Coalition of Georgia in their mission to provide medically-validated information to all people and increase the screening and early detection of diseases that kill a disproportionate number of Hispanic and Black Americans every year. Read the press release.

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