Dr. Alidad Ghiassi

Patients and students learn the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for people suffering from CTS, including the various treatment options. Included is an in-depth review of the common non-surgical and surgical management options and what to expect from recovery onward. Learners will gain better insight into the condition and when to pursue specific interventions for improved quality of life.
Patients and students learn what can cause injury to the distal radius, resulting in fracture and how it is treated. Included is an in-depth review of the surgical management options and what to expect from recovery onward. Learners will gain better insight into the management of orthopedic injuries and regaining mobility afterward.

Patients and students use this Aivio to combat misconceptions related to trigger fingers, better understand the condition and treatment options, and ultimately improve hand function and quality of life. Designed by a leading orthopedic hand surgeon, the content gives real-world advice on living with and treating a condition that can otherwise limit one's quality of life.

Dupuytren's disease or dupuytren’s contracture is a progressive hand condition limiting how much you can move or straighten your fingers that can worsen over time. This Aivio provides in-depth expert education on the condition, causes, and prognosis, as well as a thorough review of the possible treatment options, risks, and outcomes. Patients are empowered to have more knowledgeable conversations with their hand specialists and seek care early.

CMC joint osteoarthritis is a chronic, painful condition that involves the breakdown of the cartilage in the thumb. This Aivio guides learners through an expert review of the condition, prognosis, and available treatment options. Included are real examples of tools and techniques patients can use to continue their daily activities and avoid the debilitating impacts of the condition.

Hand osteoarthritis is inflammation that causes pain and stiffness in the joints of millions of people. Viewers of this Aivio will learn how and why it develops, what parts of the hand are commonly affected, and what techniques and treatments can be used to improve hand function and restore quality of life.

Mammograms are an essential part of women's health and a vital early-detection tool in the fight against breast cancer, yet millions of women fail to schedule their routine studies every year. This Aivio guides the learner through what to expect from mammography, including how to prepare for the procedure and the importance of early screening. A detailed review of common results and their meaning helps to alleviate anxiety further and increase the likelihood of screening compliance. (Available in Spanish)

If ever there was a need for an Aivio this is it. PPD impacts millions of women worldwide, yet the stigma leads more and more women to suffer in silence. This Aivio helps break down the barrier to care, educating learners on PPD, the risks and statistics surrounding the condition, and how and when to seek treatment. The secure Aivio environment empowers women to take control of their health and provides a safe place to ask even the most sensitive questions and get medically validated answers in real-time.

The female body is amazing, capable of both developing life and then sustaining it through lactation. But how does lactation work, and what should every breastfeeding mother know about it? This Aivio dives deep into the topic as a digital lactation consultant guides learners on through an in-depth interactive experience. Learners can expect to walk away with an understanding of lactation and gain techniques to improve the breastfeeding experience. Complete with pros and cons, latching tips, and real-world advice, this Aivio helps with all aspects of nursing care.

Our C-Section Aivio helps learners understand what to expect when facing a cesarean delivery - whether elective or emergent. Designed to alleviate the fears and unknowns surrounding the procedure, this topic dives deep into the procedure, how to prepare, and what to expect from recovery.

The patient bill of rights and responsibilities is a guide to ensure every patient gets good quality health care. It contains rules for patients and providers that should be followed when receiving hospital care. Now known as "Patient Care Partnership.", this bill of rights is only successful when it's well understood. This Aivio provides direct-to-patient education to inform patients of their rights and responsibilities and provides a secure forum for them to ask questions and escalate concerns.
Recruit top talent with Aivios. Designed to attract, pre-screen, and engage prospective employees - our digital HR Recruiter is a powerful addition to your efforts. Thanks to the Author-Controlled AI, prospects can ask their questions and get your answers in real-time, without the need for 20 emails and 3 phone calls. Identify the right candidates for follow-up and have more meaningful discovery calls.
Empower patients to ask all their bill-related questions and get them one step closer to paying off their balance with our Bill Explainer Aivio. Walk through the components of your patient's EOB, allow them to ask questions, and present your payment options - all in one, fully-automated, Aivio.
Preventing DVTs is a top mission for hospitals and surgery centers, yet it's rarely discussed directly with patients. You may provide either medical or mechanical prophylaxis but how well is it understood? Most patients don't understand the warning signs of DVT or when to call their provider. This Aivio explains deep venous thrombosis, why they develop, and the various methods used to prevent it.
Ever wondered what causes that ringing in the ears? Is your ear drum damaged? Could it be a sign of something more serious? Here's the Aivio to tell you everything you need to know! Ask questions, get answers, and find out why tinnitus could be caused and how to manage it.
The word "monkeypox" can strike fear in any post-pandemic society, and as it begins to spread throughout communities those fears can be compounded by misinformation. Provide patients a safe, secure, and private environment where they can learn more about monkeypox, it's symptoms, how it's spread and how it can be avoided, as well as the treatment options. Avoid misinformation and provide patients science-based answers in real time.
Patients who have recently been diagnosed with heart failure will have a lot of questions, and those who have been dealing with the condition for awhile need just as much support. Unfortunately the heart failure clinic can only do so much on it's own and 1:1 daily follow-up calls aren't scalable with the growing population of patients being diagnosed every year. This Aivio takes the model of the heart failure clinic digital, allowing patients to ask their questions and get instant answers from their care team, learn more about diet, medications, the importance of fluid intake monitoring - and more.

Wound Vac, or vacuum-assisted wound closure, may be necessary for a variety of reasons. What isn't necessary is fear, confusion, or poor wound care. That's why this Aivio was designed to answer all patient/caregiver questions related to wound vacs or incisional care. Empower patients to take better care of themselves and decrease the likelihood of new infections.
Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Learn more about this common condition, ask questions, and get answers that could save your life.
A seizure is a sudden, uncontrolled burst of electrical activity in the brain. It can cause changes in behavior, movements, feelings and levels of consciousness. In this Aivio explore the causes, symptoms, and possible treatments for a variety of seizure disorders.
In urology, a Foley catheter is a brand name for one of many brands of urinary catheters (UC). Foleys and their namesakes are indwelling urinary catheters designed to help carry urine out of the body. Often used in surgery and in the management of some chronic conditions, the idea of getting a urinary catheter may trigger feelings of anxiety. However, this Aivio provides a safe space for all people to get answers to even their most sensitive questions. Learn more about catheter basics and how to take care of a foley catheter.