Shelby Yaceczko
IBS is a common condition impacting millions of people, characterized cramping, bloating, and a host of other gastrointestinal complaints. This Aivio provides n-depth education, including identifying and avoiding triggers, nutritional advice, and possible treatment options.
Expertly designed to help learners get the maximum benefit of good, healthy, sleeping habits and to educate on the power of mindfulness. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Healthy Living Bundle", this guide to sleep and mindfulness is a perfect addition to any corporate benefits package or employee / student life program. Learners are able to ask questions and get real-time answers to help them develop the skills for a healthier, happier, future.
Our "Get Moving" Aivio inspires patients to find fun ways to adopt healthy, consistent, forms of physical activity safely. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Healthy Living Bundle", this guide to improving physical activity is a perfect addition to any corporate benefits package or employee / student life program. Learners are able to ask questions and get real-time answers to help them develop the skills for a healthier, happier, future.
Expertly authored by one of the brightest minds in nutrition from UCLA Health & Keck Hospital of USC, the "Nutrition Basics" Aivio is packed with information. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Healthy Living Bundle", this guide to the building blocks of life (food!) is a perfect addition to any corporate benefits package or employee / student life program. Learners are able to ask questions and get real-time answers to help them develop the skills for a healthier, happier, future.
Weight management is a vital part of every life on earth with more than half of chronic conditions directly related to being overweight. This expertly-authored Aivio will share tips and best practices on the skill of healthy weight management. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Health Living Bundle" - Weight management is a perfect addition to any healthy lifestyle.
Expertly designed to help learners understand the important skill of Meal Planning. Alone or as part of our 5-part "Healthy Living Bundle", this Meal Planning 101 guide is a perfect addition to any corporate benefits package or employee / student life program. Learners are able to ask questions and get real-time answers to help them develop the skills for a healthier, happier, future.