Dr. Mark Farber

Lab results are often confusing and difficult to interpret. Dr. Mark Farber brings common sense advice and laboratory expertise together to teach learners what cholesterol is, how to understand your results, and what should be done when results are abnormal. The interactive Aivio allows learners to dive deep into the topic and ask real-time questions without having to wait for follow-up appointments.

As part of nearly every annual checkup, the CBC is an important lab test for all patients. Yet, patients struggle to understand their results. This Aivio guides learners on an interactive journey through the bloodstream, breaking down blood at the cellular level and explaining the components of the CBC and what results say about our health. Questions about the meaning of results and how to improve them are answered in real-time via our medically validated physician-controlled AI.
CMP is one of the most commonly ordered laboratory tests worldwide, yet understanding the components and their individual results can be confusing for even the most well-versed patient. This Aivio helps learners gain a deeper understanding of their results and what conditions or lifestyle choices may be influencing them. Real-time answers are provided to common questions reducing the need for follow-up phone calls.
This Aivio is designed to support anyone being tested for diabetes. Learners get real-time answers to their questions and a better overall understanding of what their lab results might mean for them.
Patients concerned about thyroid health turn to this Aivio to better understand the gland, symptoms of a thyroid condition, and treatment options. When used after laboratory testing this Aivio can improve understanding of lab results and the necessary follow-up that may be indicated. Real time engagement with live questions and answers allow patients to take the learning journey they want to take, ask the questions that are important to them, and learn from home.